Venom Hunter - Donald Schultz

So last night I possibly had one of the most unusual and exciting shoots I've ever done. It involved none other than the fantastic Mr Donald Schultz (venom hunter, Wild recon - on Discovery Channel and Nat Geo Wild) I wanted to capture a portrait of him like none other...and of course it had to involve snakes (which also happen to be my one and only phobia) I have never yelped and squeeled so much during any shoot in my life! We were fortunate enough to have 4 snakes on the shoots, very generously driven down from Worcester by Lourance and Nikki(who own a snake park called The Klein Plassie Reptile Park) These included the Mole Snake, a Boa and 2 Cape Cobra's. Many thanks to everyone for their patience and effort and time.


  1. Oh my GAWWWWD Renee!!! I totally take my hat off to you for having the courage to undertake this incredible task!!! Truly gutsy of you, especially considering the fact that you have a phobia regarding these reptiles! Talk about facing ones fears - all the power to you! All the photos are just great! The moody black studio background just lends such an intensity to the body of work - really apt for the subject matter! Well done.


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